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Conflux: The Hereafter

UX design/UI design

Convergence Studios
Hero Shooter Game

As the lead UI/UX Designer at Convergence Studios, I developed the design direction for the UI elements and player experience in our yet-to-be-released game Conflux: The Hereafter. For this MOBA/Hero Shooter, I kept the UI clean and modern, yet intuitive for players new to the genre and veterans alike.

Final Design Character Select



Final Design Heads Up Display


We want to create a game that has the elements of a hero shooter, with the gameplay loop of a MOBA.


Pain Point

The industry is flooded with Hero Shooters and MOBAs, many of them failing. How can we make our game compelling, exciting, and with a great user experience?


Create a Hero Shooter/MOBA game that allows players to embrace any playstyle, and tailor characters how they want to. This, along with character backstories extends the gameplay.

UX Process

Userflow for joining a match

Player Journey

To get a better understanding of the player’s journey when completing a task, in this case, joining a match, I created user flows for visual reference.

Screens from various games' HUDs and Character Select Menus

Competitive Analysis

Once I decided on the direction for the gameplay experience, I did a competitive analysis with other similar games to discover more innovative, yet familiar UI patterns.

UI Sketches

Sketch Iterations

Armed with the data I’ve gathered from similar games, I started working out iterative sketches for various screens and character abilities to get a feel for a UI that would work best for the game.

Block Frames for HUD and Character Select

HUD Blockframe
Block Frames

After reviewing the UI sketches with the rest of the team and coming to a consensus on direction, I laid out block frames to get a better sense for UI layout.

Finalized Designs

Final HUD

Final Character Select Screen

Final Character Ability Icons - Mimi

Final Character Ability Icons - Linel

Player Testing

We’re still in the early stages of player testing, and I plan on changing and iterating on those usability tests as needed. Data will be posted soon, stay tuned!