Conflux: The Hereafter
UX design/UI design
As the lead UI/UX Designer at Convergence Studios, I developed the design direction for the UI elements and player experience in our yet-to-be-released game Conflux: The Hereafter. For this MOBA/Hero Shooter, I kept the UI clean and modern, yet intuitive for players new to the genre and veterans alike.
Final Design Character Select
Final Design Heads Up Display
We want to create a game that has the elements of a hero shooter, with the gameplay loop of a MOBA.
The industry is flooded with Hero Shooters and MOBAs, many of them failing. How can we make our game compelling, exciting, and with a great user experience?
UX Process
Userflow for joining a match
To get a better understanding of the player’s journey when completing a task, in this case, joining a match, I created user flows for visual reference.
Screens from various games' HUDs and Character Select Menus
Once I decided on the direction for the gameplay experience, I did a competitive analysis with other similar games to discover more innovative, yet familiar UI patterns.
UI Sketches
Armed with the data I’ve gathered from similar games, I started working out iterative sketches for various screens and character abilities to get a feel for a UI that would work best for the game.
Block Frames for HUD and Character Select
After reviewing the UI sketches with the rest of the team and coming to a consensus on direction, I laid out block frames to get a better sense for UI layout.
Finalized Designs
Final HUD
Final Character Select Screen
Final Character Ability Icons - Mimi
Final Character Ability Icons - Linel
Player Testing
We’re still in the early stages of player testing, and I plan on changing and iterating on those usability tests as needed. Data will be posted soon, stay tuned!